Introitus et exitus, 1279-1564.


Introitus et exitus, 1279-1564.

These are the cumulative form of the monthly income and expenditure reports by the papal treasurer. Some volumes from this series have wandered to the Cancellaria Apostolica series Registra Avenionensia, and some unbound Introitus et exitus material is in the Miscellaneous official series Instrumenta miscellanea. MacFarlane notes that these are a precious source of information on the financial workings of the Curia itself, as well as being particularly useful for the exact dating of personal visits to the Holy See by clergy of all kinds, in order to pay their annates, common services, the census and the like. Procurators are also named. On the expense side they are also full of interesting information recounting the expenditure of each of the departments of the papal household, military expenses, building costs, payments for works of art, and so on. Boyle adds that this series is a rich source for the economic or the social historian. To a local historian, however, the value of these ledgers often lies in the fact that they confirm if they do not add to information found in the Camera Apostolica series Obligationes et solutiones or Collectoriae. See Boyle, pp 168-172, for an extensive presentation on the use of this series.

19 linear m.


SNAC Resource ID: 6836984

Bentley Historical Library

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